Thursday, February 28, 2013

One day as i sat chewing gum in class i dropped my gum full of sugar on the floor, I thought "Dang'it well i ain't picken' it up.". Little did i realize that a swam of ants were on the way to get all the sugar. There were so many that they were really mad when there wasn't enough sugar to go around that they got together and created one giant insect monster! It was so nasty that all the girls were like "Ewwww gwoss!". The monster went on a rampage trying to get all the sugar it could. it litteraly tore the school apart! I know most of you nerds are like NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! But all the normal people are like HECK YYYYEEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!(no offense to nerds they can be pretty cool) But the monster got so out of control that the Army was called in but there was nothing they could do! They even called in fighter jets to fight it and they still couldn't stop it! But then one boy the age of 15 that was very handsome indeed and had long beutiful blonde hair walked couragesly up to the monster and sprayed it with ant poison destroying it once and for all... He had saved the school and everyone in it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Family's Most Stupid Moments and Jokes

1. We have cereal on the top of our refridgerator and my brother opened the freezer and the cereal fell and hit him on the head and he yelled out "Ah!Cereal killer!". 2. My dad works at Lee University and came home with a computer mouse in his pocket. 3. I was at a Lee basketball game and ran into a glass door and hurt my face. 4. I was playing lacros(I know I spelled it wrong) turned and slipped and fell.5. Almost missed the bus and had to run from one side of the school to the other. That might be it but I doubt it but I can't remember more at the moment.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hi I just typed this post but i forgot to save it, so I'm mad but I'll type it again. Hi I will call you readers because you are reading this. Yesterday Failure, me, and Chimneysweeper (I will you why I call him that later) were watching Mary Poppins in band. It was hilarious. We imagined them doing Matrix dodges and we imagined Chimneysweeper dancing what the chimney sweepers were dancing and he's big and tall. It was fun except for the dumb person behind us. Yeah and that's it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello, my same friend that was a failure wanted me to post this. He wanted me to say about how much he loved star wars. How he never stops looking for a perfect Darth Vader outfit with the voice and everything. He pretty much a star wars nerd. He can quote it and everything. He's pretty funny about it and yeah thats it.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Hi I have this friend and he is a huge failure.He thought something was about him but it was obviously not. And if your reading this, your a failure.